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В качестве одного из этапов процесса отправки авторы должны проверить соответствие их материала всем следующим пунктам, материалы могут быть возвращены авторам, если они не соответствуют этим требованиям.
  • The Journal of Neurotherapy ceased publication in 2013 and was replaced by NeuroRegulation in 2014; therefore, new submissions are not accepted for this title. However, NeuroRegulation is now the current ISNR journal and is not only open-access but has no author/publication fees. The website for the current journal is: www.neuroregulation.org

Руководство для авторов

The Journal of Neurotherapy ceased publication in 2013 and was replaced by NeuroRegulation in 2014; therefore, new submissions are not accepted for this title. However, NeuroRegulation is now the current ISNR journal and is not only open-access but has no author/publication fees.  Therefore, we would be very pleased to have your submission to the current and active ISNR journal.  To do so, go to the website is:  www.neuroregulation.org  There you can find author guidelines and submission instructions.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.