Passive Infrared Hemoencephalography: Four Years and 100 Migraines
Background. One hundred migraine sufferers were treated using passive Infrared Hemoencephalography (pIR HEG) over a period of four years. All subjects met the criteria for at least one of the categories set forth in the International Headache Society (IHS, 1988) classification criteria for headache disorders for primary migraine. Methods. Subjects were treated using the pIR HEG system in 30-minute sessions. A central forehead placement (approximately Fpz) was used for the sensor assembly for all subjects. Changes in headache patterns were examined. After two years, an infrared video imaging system was added to the data collection process and was available for 61 of the 100 subjects. Infrared forehead images were captured at the start and end of each session to examine changes in prefrontal cortical brain activity. Results. Most of the subjects improved control over their migraine headaches. Over 90% of those subjects who completed at least six sessions reported significant improvements in migraine activity. Conclusions. pIR HEG appears to have a strong impact on migraine headaches, even for peoplewho have not had a positive response to medication. Headache response by the end of six sessions appears to be a good predictor of probability of improvement.Загрузки