Neurofeedback Treatment of Type I Diabetes Mellitus: Perceptions of Quality of Life and Stabilization of Insulin Treatment–Two Case Studies


  • Siamak Monjezi
  • Randall R. Lyle



Background. This article is a case study review of the neurofeedback treatment of two female subjects with Type I diabetes mellitus. Both women had received regular medical treatment including the use of a restricted diet and short-term insulin treatment using an insulin pump. The study sought to discover the effects of neurofeedback treatment on the individuals’ perceptions of their quality of life and, any effects on measured glucose blood levels. Method. Both the subjects received 20 sessions of neurofeedback training. These sessions took place three times a week, each session lasting approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. The treatment consisted of training at C3, C4, and interhemispheric (C3-C4). The women were given symptom report checklists following each session and were interviewed prior to beginning of the treatment, at the conclusion of the 20 sessions, and 16 days after their final session. The interviews focused on self-reported changes in symptoms and the effect of these changes on their quality of life. Both the women also recorded their daily glucose levels and insulin dosage throughout the study. Results. The subjects reported improvement in their perception of their quality of life (QOL). Additionally, both reported improvement in glucose levels as well as fluctuations and reduced dosages of insulin required on a daily basis. Discussion. The existing research on the effectiveness of neurofeedback training for a broad variety of physical and emotional problems lead us to wonder if it might be helpful for either the physical or emotional aspects of Type I diabetes mellitus. Given the higher incidence of this condition, the significance of this research was considered to be important. The results of the study provide preliminary evidence that neurofeedback can be an important and valuable treatment for both the physical and emotional symptoms associated with Type I diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, research with larger numbers and stricter controls in the field is warranted.



